
Ph.D in Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology, Leiden University, 2021-

M.A. in Philosophy, Ethics of AI, Laval University, 2019-2021

B.A. in Philosophy & French Literature, 2016-2019

Scholarships & Fellowships

PhD Graduate Scholarship (80K$ CAD) 2021-2025
Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

PhD Graduate Scholarship (105K$ CAD) 2021-2024
Joseph-Armand Bombardier
    (Scholarship declined to go study abroad)

M.A. Fellowship Award (15K$ CAD) 2020-2021
OBVIA-International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI & Digital Technologies

B.A. Award (1.25K$CAD) 2017
Bourse Desjardins Baccalauréat

Work Experience

In-the-field experience

Ethics Adviser- Student Trainee (2019-2021)

Team Member of the Innovative Ideas Incubator (2019-2021)


Academic experience


Invited Guest Lecturer

Teaching Assistant

Research Assistant


Alexandra Prégent & Keven Bisson (2021) “The Dividual Conception of Identity: A Possible Solution to Marusic’s Grief Puzzle?”, Phares, 21(1).

Alexandra Prégent (2021) “How to Define a Group Without Excluding Any of Its Parts? Gender and the Sartrean Notion of Serial Structure According to Iris Marion Young”, Era Novum, 21(1).

Alexandra Prégent (2021) Affective Computing: Is the Use of Emotion Recognition Technology Consistent With Social Justice?, Master’s Thesis, Laval University.

Nicolas Bernier & Alexandra Prégent (2020) Ethical Deliberation In a Sanitary, Economic, and Environmetal Crisis, Ethics of Science & Technology Commission, Actualities.


Talks & Workshops (Selection)

AI & Policy 2023. International workshop on Epistemic Rights in AI Policy. With a focus on explainable AI, LLMs and generative AI, and fairness and accountability, this workshop aimed to explore innovative approaches to address contemporary challenges in AI policy. Eindhoven, Fall 2023.

SPT 2023. Joint Conference from Society for Philosophy and Technology & Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, “Technology & Mobility”, Talk: “Emotion Recognition Technology: An Analysis of the Risks at Stake”, Tokyo, Summer 2023. Supported by Van Haersolte Grant.

OZSW 2023. 10th Annual OZSW Conference. Dutch National Conference, Talk: “Revisiting our conception(s) of privacy”, Leiden, Summer 2023.

ESDIT 2022. International Conference Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies, Talk: “Re-Shaping Human Relationships: An analysis of the consequences of the disruption of emotion recognition technology”, Leiden, Fall 2022. Supported by Van Haersolte Funding.

AIES 2022. Fifth AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society. Talk: “Emotion Recognition Technology: Re-Shaping Human Relationships”, Oxford, Summer 2022. Supported by AAAI/ACM funding.

IID 2021. Guest Speaker at the Institute of Intelligence and Data. Talk: “Ethical quandaries in Emotion Recognition Systems”, Québec, Winter 2021.

Rendez-vous en IA 2021. Guest Speaker at “Rendez-vous en IA”. Talk: “Algorithmic discrimination”, Montreal, Fall 2021.

Let’s Talk Ethic 2021. Guest at the French-Canadian Philosophy Podcast “Let’s talk Ethic”, Montreal, Fall 2021.

Rationality of Emotions 2020. Speaker at Symposium on Rationality of Emotions. Talk: “Do Reasons Heal? An essay on Grief”, with Keven Bisson, Québec, Fall 2020.

VIII Research Day in Analytic Philosophy 2020. Speaker at the VIII Research Day in Analytic Philosop. Talk: “Ethical Issues Raised by Opacity in Emotion Recognition Systems”, Québec, Fall 2020.

Organisation of Conferences & Events

Co-organizer of the 5th AI Ethics Conference “Surveillance”, Montreal. 2024-W


Co-organizer of the 10th Annual OZSW Conference, Dutch National Conference in philosophy, Leiden. 2023-S

Co-organizer of the 4th AI Ethics Conference “Affective Computing”, Montreal. 2023-W


Co-organizer of the 3rd AI Ethics Conference “Ethics and simulation”, Montreal. 2022-W


Co-organizer of the 2nd AI Ethics Conference “Algorithmic Quandaries”, Montreal. 2021-W

Social Commitment

Student Refugee Program (SRP) at Laval University (2019-2020)

Leiden University Graduate Council at Leiden University (2024- )