
Hi there!👋   I’m currently a PhD researcher at Leiden University under the supervision of Prof Dorota Mokrosinska and Prof James McAllister, working on privacy and social issues in affective computing. My expertise is in the middle of philosophy of technology (affective computing & socially disruptive technology), moral and political philosophy (privacy & social justice), and philosophy of mind (emotion/cognition). More specifically, my research examines the social implications of artefacts (AI systems) that detect, recognise, and analyse individuals’ emotions. My objective is to go beyond current work that has pinpointed the consequences (and potential harms) that directly arise from their technical limitations - such as gender bias and group discrimination, and to explore the fundamental issues raised by exposing individuals inner affective states (disruption of social relationships & the preservation of the Self).

My main objective is to uncover the social effect that emotion recognition technologies (ERTs) will have on human relationships and the Self. What if we had real-time recognition of emotions? How would this impact the social dynamics? In which contexts would this be desirable and in which contexts would this be detrimental? Do we have any legitimate claims to privacy over the emotions we display in public social settings? These, and more, are the questions I am currently trying to answer.

In my Master’s thesis I addressed the social impact directly caused by the use of technically constrained ERTs. My master’s thesis was funded by an OBVIA grant (Canada) and is entitled Affective Computing: Is the Use of Emotion Recognition Technology Consistent With Social Justice?. It’s available on the university website or you can check it out here.

My PhD research is funded by the SSHRC of Canada.

You can download my cv here

Articles, Podcasts, and News About my Research https://github.com/AlexandraPregent/AlexandraPregent.github.io/assets/165220288/f362716c-61f5-4a93-9807-b0812a4f4c81

🗣️ Parlons Éthique (2021) / 🧔🏻‍♂️Podcast Animator: Keven Bisson

🎥 Contextual Integrity & Socially Disruptive Technology (2024) / 🔴 ▶️ YouTube Video

🎭 False Emotions (2021) / By Raymond Poirier News Article

🤖 Émotions, Contexte et IA: facile de se tromper (2021) / By Thot Cursus News Article